Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Why Herro Dere!

Hi! I'm so horrible about the upkeep of this blog. Meh. Well, it is what it is and I suppose that something is better than nothing.

I can't believe it's November already! Tomorrow, the 7th is the anniversary of my last discharge from the Cooperstown Psych Unit! That was my most recent hospitalization in a series of five. That's right! Tomorrow, it will have been a year since my last stay. I have not had a year outside of the hospital since my first hospitalization in Feburay 2011. So yay! It may not sound like a big acheivement, but for me it most definitly is.

Other News:
I've come to the realization that the Dual Degree wasn't going to happen. In case you don't know, Dual Degree would mean graduating with two BAs (or I guess two BSs or a BA and a BS...). It means taking 30 extra credits outside the two majors, which were Theatre Arts and Psychology. I've kept the Theatre Arts major and now am going for minors in both Psychology and French. So I should be graduating, hopefully, in 2016. Which is nice, financially!

I don't remember if I announced this here already, but whatever:
The Breakfast Players (the group I did Hamlet with) has gotten the rights for "Waiting for Godot" for August 2014. This production will benefit the Lustgarten Foundation. In addition, we will be presenting a collection of original monologues, one acts, and a short play. These productions will benifit the charity To Write Love on Her Arms.

And...I think that's about it. I will try to have some more upkeep on the blog!

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