Living at the lake has still been fantastic. It is pretty great to be able to go home from campus.

In other theatre-y news, it is all but official that I will be doing the costumes for this January's production of "The Actor's Nightmare" by Christopher Durang. It is a great little play. It has about 13 costumes for five actors and 22 pages. It should prove to be quite the...experience.
Rehearsals for Caucasian Chalk Circle have long been in full swing. After this Friday. we will have reached the milestone of no longer being permitted to call for line. I won't say that it concerns me...but I will say I am not as prepared as I'd like to be.
Oh, and my Doctor Who/Fandom Blog just hit 70,000 views :3
Well, this week is already underway. I have a huge essay that I may or may not have started due Sunday. It really is a may-or-may-not situation: I've only sort of started it. Regardless, hopefully it will pan out. Oh, and it is officially the second half of the semester. Wooooh! Friday and Saturday are the Haunted Pine Lake thing, which I so enjoyed doing last year. I think that because of rehearsals I will only be able to do Saturday. It is basically like being in a Haunted House except outside. Saturday also is the APO interest meeting.... Sunday (26 Oct) I'll go into the city with school to see Cabaret which should be amazing as not only have I really wanted to see it for a while now (#AlanCumming!) but my friends will be there with me :)