Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My Personal Appeal to Hartwick

Hi everyone! It is with great joy that I tell you that the letter to Hartwick asking them to allow me to return for the Fall 2013 semester has been sent! I also faxed a copy, so there's no way things could get messed up or arrive late.
They only asked for a letter from my doctor, but I gave them one thing more. I also sent a personal appeal to them, and I thought I might share it with you all.
"One of the most vivid memories of January 25th 2013, the day I was told that I could not return to Hartwick until the fall semester is Gary Robinson explaining that to return I must do as my therapist at home suggested. 'If they say to get a job, you get a job,' he said. I remember thinking that there was no way I'd ever be on the campus I love again if that was the case.
"In Westchester County, one of the most affluent counties in the nation, there are three types of people in my age bracket. Category I is the people who have finished college with a four-year degree meaningful to the career they wish to pursue. Category II is the people who, at best, finished high school, but most of these people are drop-outs. Category III is the most unemployable, and also the category I belong to. It is people who finished high school and have some college experience. This group is not qualified to do meaningful jobs like Category I is, and are over-qualified to do the menial minimum-wage work that Category II does.
"This categorization is not something I made up to validate not having a job. I applied. If I had gotten any interviews, here's how I think the conversation would have ended: 'you got in to college, why aren't you taking classes?' It's a question that I do not want to give the answer to. I'd have two options that involved honesty: a) I am on a medical leave-which would be followed by the questioning what I have because I don't look sick, or, b) I am on a mental health leave-and that answer wouldn't do because people don't trust the mentally I'll to do anything, even though my mental illness would not really impair my job performance.
"Allow me to dispel something that may have caused some confusion-my therapist did not ask me to get a job, he asked me to find something to occupy my time, be it classes at the local community college, volunteering, etc. Naturally, my first avenue to explore was getting a job because life is a lot easier with an income. I searched until the middle of February-when I found something a whole lot better than a job.

"On the last day of classes for the Ardsley High School class of 2012, we were told that one of the most beloved teachers in the whole district had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I had had the miraculous luck to have this teacher, Rod Baird, that year until he left just after February break. My relationship with him changed my life and I can easily say that the news that he would in all likelihood be dead within a year and there was nothing to be done about it troubled me more than any other student I knew. Eleven days after returning home from Hartwick I received the news that Rod had passed away. Many of his past students came from all across the country to attend his memorial service. And it was on my way there that I thought up what I'd do for the next six months.
"Mr. Baird, like all the other twelfth grade English teachers taught Shakespeare’s 'Hamlet', but no one taught the play like he did. With him, even the most delinquent student (I use that term loosely) not only was interested in the lesson plan, but understood the complex existential points it made.
"The day of his memorial I was texting my friend, Nico, who had also hand Mr. Baird and was going to give me a ride home after the service. I punched the two characters that would dictate my life for half a year: '2b'—short hand for 'to be'—and, like any good Theatre Arts major, thought of Hamlet's most famous soliloquy: "to be or not to be, that is the question, weather 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take up arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing; end them"- when he stops the play midway through to ask "what's the point?"
"I can't say exactly in what pattern the synapses fired to give me the idea, but I would spend the next six months preparing a production of Hamlet: the most revered play in the English-speaking world as a fundraiser for pancreatic cancers one of the most under-researched cancers.
"If you have never produced a play, you may think “how could doing a play take six months?”, but if you have produced a play you aren’t asking any questions, you’re just in awe that a student barely in to her BA Theatre Degree could pull this feat off. My answer? Carefully, and with the support of the community.
With a work like “Hamlet” which is in the public domain, it’s easy to get a hold of a script. What’s not easy is that the script, uncut, amounts to about four hours, and not only does no one want to sit through a four-hour play, but no actors want to perform a four-hour play. Shakespeare even admitted that Hamlet is long-in Act III, Polonius says “this is too long!”, and right he is. I cut the script from about 150 pages to roughly 110, which is no easy task as most of the play is about Hamlet’s lack of action in avenging his father’s death and that must be preserved.
"Secondly, I had to find actors. I had decided that I would play Hamlet because I was directing and I could to that, and I didn’t trust anyone else with the role. So that left me with more than twenty other roles to cast. I with some sleight-of-hand, I was able to have a cast of just 11 people. I can’t tell you how, because I don’t really know—that, and magicians never reveal their secrets. Although the cast was a bit more like a splint as it slowly shifted from what I had established in March to what we will perform with next week, it was hardly the most difficult part of making this happen.
"The most difficult part was finding a space to perform in. I searched the area, and two weeks before rehearsals started at the end of June I decided on the Ardsley Community Center. The ACC decided on me, too. As the production was being done by students (and mostly Ardsley students at that) and because it was a benefit production, the Town voted to waive the rental fee-which would have been close to $1,000.
After that, I needed to find a place to have the rehearsals. With the support of the Village of Ardsley and the community center, I approached the town library. They too waived the cost of the rental of their community room.
"This brings me to yesterday, when I picked up the props that the after-school private theatre group I attended are lending to me, also free of charge. And later today I will go to the Independent Grocers to measure the pallets they are donating to us that we will make the stage with. This coming Friday, the local newspaper, The Rivertowns Enterprise, is doing a full length article about the production. Tomorrow they will be at the rehearsal to take photos.
"Doing all of this won’t earn me a cent. But it has, and will continue to give me something much more valuable than any amount of money. It has given me, and countless others, closure for Rod’s death. Even though there was nothing we could do to save him, doing this is our way of showing that this shouldn’t have happened; that it’s not okay; that no community should have this type of loss. I could have sat by and done nothing to improve the lives of those living with this cancer, which has less than a 20 % one-year survival rate and a five-year survival rate under 5%. I am using theatre as it is meant to be used: as a device to bring together peoples of all different backgrounds to see what we all have in common.

"The production is not the only thing that I have spent my time with, though it is what has taken the vast majority of my time. Aside from therapy, I started a blog about my favorite television show, Doctor Who, and the site has become a rather big fish in a small pond. It has had over 14,000 views since I started it in mid-March. My material on that also caught the right person’s eye landed me a freelance journalism gig as a Doctor Who correspondent for the international entertainment site WhatCulture.com. WhatCulture! is comparable to a magazine, but it is completely online. It is based in England, where I hope to move after I graduate from Hartwick. I have yet to publish anything there, mostly because Hamlet is taking up so much of my time. The site is visited by over one million people around the globe every month.

"I sincerely hope that this has given you a perspective of who I am and how I am more than Mood Disorder (NOS) and Personality Disorder (NOS). I hope it shows you my potential as a student now that I have received treatment for the illnesses that hinder me. I hope it shows you how much of an asset I could be to the college. But overall, I hope it shows you what I know now more than ever to be true: I am so incredibly ready to return."

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Advice for Incoming Freshmen

Dear Class of 2017,

This fall, you will embark on one of the most marvellous journeys life has planned for you. You will make new friends, discover new interests, and, most importantly, learn who you are. But only if you let yourself.

When I went to college, I literally knew no one at my school. I am literally the third graduate of my high school to attend my school, but that isn't always the situation for everyone. So for me, I had no choice but to make new friends at school. If you are going to a place with people I know, my advice to you is to try to not be with them for the first month or so. Chances are that in the new environment you will meet people that you may even like more than your old friends from high school simply because there is a larger pool of people. I don't mean that you should abandon your old friends (part of my attempt to not do that is this blog!), but expand!

These new friends that you make will probably have a whole set of interests that you haven't explored, especially if you haven't declared a major. I went in to school with the Theatre Arts half of my major decided, so I can't really speak to being undeclared, but I do know people who went in thinking of being a math major and met a religious studies major and loved what she was studying so much that he ended up a religious studies major. For me, a lot of people in the Theatre Arts major like Doctor Who, and that is how I got in to it. Now, I run a relatively popular Doctor Who blog (TARDIStyle.blogspot.com). I never thought in a million years that I would have started to like the show (I could write a whole separate post on why, but I wont, at least not now) and it quickly turned in to something I love. 

This above all, to thine own self be true. Some say that college is a chance to reinvent yourself. And it is, in some sense. But that is not to say that you should dress goth when you're a hipster, listen to rap when you're in to punk rock or fake an accent. For me, my "reputation" in high school was no where near accurate to who I really am, and college was an opportunity to align me and who people think I am. You won't have another chance to do this, really.

A great change in who you are is about to happen, probably for the better. You have to let yourself become the kind of person you want to be.


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Fall Fears

By this time next week, the letter asking Hartwick to allow me back as a student for the fall semester will have been sent. With that comes multitudes of emotions-the principal of which are joy and fear.
I know I have not written about what happened that made me leave the school of my dreams in January, and don't hold your breath for a post about that. You'll die. Those of you who know me well know what happened and those of you who don't, well, have fun speculating.

The joys thinking about returning to school brings me fill me with bubbles. Yes, bubbles. I feel like fizzy soda, which is a sharp contrast to how I have felt lately. Without Hartwick, I feel like I just brushed my teeth and then drank orange juice which I proceed to spill. But the next week or two of not knowing, I think, will result in me doing my hamster impression. The equations are quite simple, really:

A quick thanks to Jenna Lowry for assuring me the ± meant what I thought it means.

See? that's not too hard is it? It can't be; I (mostly) figured it out and I didn't even finish Algebra 2/Trig (usually second [but sometimes third] year of high school math)
The proofs behind the first two are so easy, I won't do them. But allow me to explain the third equation. That's what this whole post is about!

First, there are the fears that all people in my place would have regardless of major.

  1. Will my friends have replaced me in my social group?
  2. It's not my first year, so I'm not a freshman, but I also don't have the academic credits to be a sophmore. What does that make me? A freshmore? That sounds like a bad brand of deodorant. A sophman? No, that's not good either; it makes me sound like a guy who can't get it up. There is a poll to the left-should I say Sophman or Freshmore when people ask what year I am? Vote :3 <3
  3. Do people think I died? Are they gonna look at me like I'm a ghost? In my defence, this has happened to me before. After I came back from a month and half of being in a hospital in 2011, some of the people in my school actually thought I had killed myself. Yes, I killed myself and there was no funeral or anything. True story, bro.
  4. Does everyone know what happened? Are all the returning students gonna think I'm psycho or something? Were there rumours after I left?
  5. What to do if people ask what happened and I don't want to tell them. Well, that's not a worry. I'm going to tell people that I went travelling with the Doctor and he messed up the return date.
Then, there are the questions unique to being a psychology major:
  1. Will my peers in the major try to analyse what happened to me?
  2. I declared my psych major at the end of the fall 2012 term, and haven't taken the basic level psych classes (psych 110 and 111) yet. What will my peers think of a [enter class name here] in their freshman level psych class?
Lastly, (and my biggest concern) there are worries unique to the theatre arts major.
  1. When I left, I had to drop out of the play. Am I ever going to get cast in a mainstage again, or will the directors worry that I'll have to leave again?
  2. I failed my Intro to Theatre class last fall (a fluke) and wasn't there to take it in the fall, so I will probably be taking it this fall, and last time I checked the department head was teaching the class this time. Will he judge me? I don't want to mess up what is pretty much my first impression with him.
  3. In jTerm, I gave my all to the class I was in. I wanted to prove to people that I am serious about being in theatre and the like. I fear that may have been my last chance to show that I'm not a joke and I may have ruined it.
Many of these may sound irrational, and maybe they are but, they are real and legitimate concerns I have. They may all revolve around what other people think of me, but let's face it: no matter how much we may say that we don't care what everyone else thinks of us, it does change the way we think of ourselves and our cognition in general. I had a high-level idea of how things were going to be when I came to Hartwick last fall, because no one knew really anything about me. But now I may be about to enter an environment where my reputation proceeds me, and that reputation may be based on he-said-she-said things that went around seven and a half months ago. It may be true that I can't wait to prove my rep wrong, but what if I prove it right not even knowing it. I really have no idea at all what lies ahead of me, and that scares me more than AMC's The Walking Dead, which really scared me. But it probably was not the best idea to watch it at night home alone in a large-ish house right before bed. At least I had the lights on.